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Brand Guide

How to use this guide

Keep this guide handy! You’ll want to reference it whenever you write, design, promote or communicate for Pennie, no matter the medium. We’ve made it easy for writers, designers and communicators of all stripes to find what you need.

Meet Pennie

In its simplest form, Pennie stands for “Pennsylvania Insurance Exchange.” But we know Pennie has more personality than that. To serve all Pennsylvanians effectively, Pennie may play different roles:
pink half circle


purple half circle icon


yellow half circle icon


teal half circle icon


Voice & tone

The way we express the Pennie brand verbally will always use an underlying voice and tone. What’s the difference?
Pennie’s voice

Pennie’s voice doesn’t change. No matter what, Pennie will always be friendly and helpful.

Pennie is informal and friendly, but in a genuine way, not a performative one.
Pennie uses simple and direct language. We do use the industry’s vocabulary but include a translation into simpler terms.
Pennie is a friend to all Pennsylvanians, no matter their age, race, gender, socioeconomic status or beyond.

tone graph
Pennie’s tone
Pennie’s tone changes to meet the situation. Think about your audience and what they’re experiencing, and adjust your tone appropriately. For example, if someone receives an error message, they might be frustrated, so be straightforward, not cute.

Look & mood

Just like voice and tone, we’ve defined the way we express the Pennie brand visually, through look and mood. The way they differ is similar to voice and tone …
Pennie’s look
Pennie’s look doesn’t change. Visuals will always be …
Visually, less is more. This keeps information from becoming buried and users from becoming distracted or confused.
Pennie bucks the dull image of health insurance. Our bright personality comes through in color palette, photography, illustrations and beyond.
The imagery reflects the human side of Pennie by featuring real, everyday Pennsylvanians and genuine relatable moments.
pink mood graph
Pennie’s mood

Pennie’s mood changes to consider context.

  • A welcome email may be playful, with modern layouts and fun illustrations.
  • A reference to emergency care may be a more serious, traditional text-driven layout that leans on photography.
  • Complementary brand elements can help break up complex topics and bring life to simple statements.

Point of view

How to refer to Pennie
You may use one of two options when referring to Pennie in communications:
Pennie is Pennie
Use the brand name to reference Pennie in the third person: “Pennie makes it easy to find health insurance.”
We are Pennie
Use first-person plural to deliver a more empathetic message: “We make it easy to find health insurance.
Note: Pennie should maintain an uppercase “P” in all written content. Exceptions: Logo and URLs.
How to refer to our audience
We always speak directly to our audience; therefore, we use the second-person point of view.

Writing style

  • We use active voice to be more direct and less wordy.
  • The health insurance industry tends to speak its own language. Pennie will use this language, but act as a translator for our audience, making it easier for all to grasp.
  • We want Pennie to be uplifting, so do your best to write positively and avoid negative words.

Brand marks

Pennie’s brand marks are simple and friendly, staying true to the spirit of Pennie. The Pennie logo can be displayed in any of the four foundational brand colors. The cap over the “i” should always remain in navy in full-color logos. In applications that require the Pennie logo to be laid over a dark background, the logo mark should be white, and the mark over the “i” should be placed in a corresponding foundational color.
purple pennie logo  minimum space no descriptor
teal pennie logo  minimum space descriptor
orange pennie logo  minimum size no descriptor
yellow pennie logo  minimum size descriptor


Pennie’s color palette is full of possibility. Our expansive color palettes are a true reflection of our personality: positive and friendly. The foundational brand colors can be used in various tints to add visual dimension when appropriate.
Foundational colors
Purple square


RGB 103, 106, 245
CMYK 69, 63, 0, 0
HEX #676af5
teal square


RGB 69, 198, 211
CMYK 62, 0, 19, 0
HEX #45c6d3


RGB 248, 133, 94
CMYK 0, 60, 65, 0
HEX #f8855e
yellow square


RGB 255, 177, 0
CMYK 0, 34, 100, 0
HEX #ffb100
Brand Neutral Colors
neutral navy color


RGB 0, 0, 88
CMYK 100, 98, 24, 40
HEX #000058
Warm Neutral square

Warm Neutral

RGB 255, 240, 237
CMYK 0, 6, 4, 0
HEX #fff0ed
Cool Neutral square

Cool Neutral

RGB 228, 228, 247
CMYK 9, 8, 0, 0
HEX #e4e4f7


Our typography is curated to be legible and approachable while helping customers navigate important information about health coverage. It is important to use sentence case across Pennie’s brand to convey the correct tone and make text easier to comprehend.

FreightBig Pro

FreightBig Pro for headlines and callouts.

Sofia Pro Soft

Sofia Pro Soft for subheads or pull quotes.

Sofia Pro

Sofia Pro for all body copy.


Montserrat for all digital applications.


Using the cap and arch as building blocks, icons can be created to provide visual cues and add clarity around complex or conceptual content. In larger executions, line icons can be used to add a more dynamic effect. Solid icons should be used in executions that are smaller.
Line icons
plus icon in teal circle
orange clock icon
purple ex icon
teal i icon
yellow clock icon
purple checkmark icon
Solid icons
blue quote icon
magnifying glass icon
quote icon
spinner icon
eye icon


Creative should use lifestyle photography, instead of editorial or cinematic photos. Avoid using mono- or duotones in Pennie’s photography. Photography should show people in positive moments to evoke the peace of mind that comes with having health coverage.


Just as partners are important to Pennie’s success, partners are also important in helping us maintain brand standards. Partners should adhere to the brand rules outlined below. The clear space between the Pennie logo and the partner logo is proportional to the x-height of the Pennie logo. Typically, the partner’s logo should come before Pennie’s. Partner logo height should match Pennie’s and align to the baseline of Pennie’s logotype.
vertical logo
horizontal logo