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Broker Workgroup Meetings

Pennie has decided to combine the Broker Workgroup, and the Broker and Assister Lunch and Learns to form one unified, expanded workgroup called the Pennie Community Workgroup. This group will meet virtually, usually the second Friday of every month from 11:00 am to 12:00 pm. These meetings will focus on hot topics in the marketplace, system updates, and technical tutorials related to the Pennie platform. For links and more information, please click below.
March 11, 2022: Agenda | Meeting Link | Presentation Slides
January 14, 2022: Agenda | Meeting Link
November 12, 2021: Agenda | Meeting Recording | Presentation Slides
September 10, 2021: Agenda | Meeting Recording | Presentation Slides
July 9, 2021: Agenda | Meeting Recording | Presentation Slides
May 14, 2021: Agenda | Meeting Recording | Presentation Slides
April 9, 2021: Agenda | Meeting Recording | Presentation Slides
March 12, 2021: Agenda | Meeting Recording | Presentation Slides
February 12, 2021: Agenda | Meeting Recording | Presentation Slides
January 8, 2021: Agenda | Meeting Recording | Presentation Slides
December 11, 2020: Agenda | Meeting Recording | Presentation Slides
November 13, 2020: Agenda | Presentation Slides
October 9, 2020: Meeting Recording | Presentation Slides
September 11, 2020: Meeting Recording